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Discovering Your Remote Work Community: A Comprehensive Guide

Remote work has become increasingly popular, offering people all over the opportunity to earn income and gain valuable work experience while staying wherever they are.

All thanks to the pandemic for propelling remote work.

However, working remotely is sometimes isolating, lacking the social interaction and camaraderie that traditional office settings provide. Some people likes this isolation. But there is still a large group of remote workers that struggle with it.

That’s why finding a community when working remotely is essential for a more fulfilling and productive experience.

These are several reasons why you may need to build a community:

  • Combatting Isolation: Remote work leads to feelings of isolation, which can negatively impact mental well-being and productivity. A supportive community can mitigate these feelings.
  • Networking Opportunities: Communities provide an excellent space to network with like-minded individuals, potential employers, or clients, which can open doors to future opportunities.
  • Skill Development: Engaging with a community allows you to learn from others, share knowledge, and enhance your skills through mutual support and feedback.
  • Motivation and Accountability: Being part of a community could boost motivation and hold you accountable for your work, helping you stay focused and driven.

Now that we know why you need to find a community when working remotely, let’s get into the meat of this blog post – How to find a community.

Online Communities

How to Find a Community When Working RemotelyPhoto by Austin Distel on Unsplash

The internet has revolutionized the way we connect with others, making it easier than ever to find and engage with like-minded individuals. Here are some ways to explore online communities related to your industry or interests:

Participating in Online Forums, Groups, and Social Media Platforms

Platforms like Reddit, Stack Exchange, Facebook Groups, and other niche forums are excellent places to interact with people who share similar interests or work in the same industry.

Engage in discussions, ask questions, and contribute valuable insights there to build connections.

Networking with Other Remote Workers on LinkedIn or Other Professional Networks

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for networking with professionals, including remote workers.

It’s also a great platform for you to find new work.

You can connect with like-minded people there by following them and interacting with their posts. You can post your own stuff as well.

There are also groups on LinkedIn that you can join.

Finding Virtual Coworking Spaces and Networking Events

Virtual coworking spaces and networking events are designed to simulate the social aspect of a physical workspace.

These platforms offer opportunities to:

  • Collaborate.
  • Share ideas.
  • And form connections with other remote workers.

Offline Communities

How to Find a Community When Working RemotelyPhoto by Tim Bish on Unsplash

While online interactions are convenient, they may not be for everyone since they’re already working virtually and they don’t want more virtual burdens on them.

So some people prefer to connect with others physically rather than virtually. If you’re one of them, offline communities are for you.

Offline communities can provide a more personal and immersive experience. Here’s how you can connect with others in your local area:

Connecting with Local Coworking Spaces and Community Hubs

Look for coworking spaces in your city or town where you can rent a desk and work alongside other professionals. These spaces often host events, workshops, and networking sessions that’ll provide you ample opportunities to meet new people.

Most companies will set up these coworking spaces for you on their own expense. Just ask you employer if it’s possible.

If your employer won’t agree to cover the costs, set up a space yourself and share the rent with your coworkers.

Attending Local Meetups and Events Related to Your Industry or Interests

Keep an eye out for local meetups and events focused on your field of study or hobbies. is a great platform to discover such gatherings.

Attending these events will allow you to interact with individuals who share your passions.

Volunteering or Participating in Local Community Organizations

Volunteering not only allows you to give back to the community but also connects you with like-minded people who are passionate about similar causes.

Joining Local Sports Teams or Clubs

If you’re into sports or recreational activities, joining local sports teams or clubs is an excellent way to bond with others outside of work.

This is also a great escape for you mentally and physically if you feel like you’re having too much pressure at work.

Even if you’re not much into sports, it’s good for you to take part in such clubs. Because, you know, physical activities just can never be wrong for your mind and body.

Building Your Own Community

How to Find a Community When Working RemotelyPhoto by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

If you can’t find a community that aligns perfectly with your interests, consider creating one.

This does mean you’ll have to spend some amount of money to get things running. But hey, someone’s got to get something started, right?

Creating Your Own Online Community or Blog

Start a blog or online community where you can share talk about your deepest desires and interests. This will attract others with similar experiences and interests, fostering a community around your content.

You can, of course, get started for free. But if you want to look serious and professional, you’ll have to put in some dollars.

Just look at what we’re doing. Talking about remote work is our deepest interest, and we’ve created a community of remote workers with this website and other channels.

We’ve even attracted a new community of to-be remote workers with our list of 1000+ companies that are actively hiring for remote roles.

You could do the same.

Hosting Virtual Events or Webinars

Organize virtual events or webinars on topics you are knowledgeable about. This is a great way to establish yourself as an authority in whatever field you’re in.

Starting Local Groups or Meetups for Remote Workers

If there are no existing meetups for remote workers in your area, consider taking the initiative to start one if you REALLY want a community.

You can use platforms like or social media to gather interested individuals and grow your community.

Staying Connected and Engaged with Your Community

How to Find a Community When Working RemotelyPhoto by CoWomen on Unsplash

Building a community is not a one-time effort; it requires consistent engagement.

Just as you expect others to engage within a community, they expect you to do the same. This is why staying connected and engaged with your community is vital.

Because if no one takes the initiative to stay connected or engaged, the community will be dead in no time!

Regularly Participating and Contributing to Your Communities

Consistency is key to building strong connections. Regularly participate in:

  • Online discussions.
  • Attend events.
  • And contribute valuable insights to the community.

Engaging in Meaningful Conversations and Sharing Knowledge

Engage in meaningful conversations that go beyond small talk.

You may have more knowledge and expertise in your field, so be willing to share it to provide value to others.

Giving and Receiving Feedback and Support

If you’re in a community, be open to giving and receiving feedback and support. Be willing to help each other grow and succeed, whether that’s in life or career.

Always keep in mind that a supportive community is built on mutual trust and encouragement.


Working remotely offers immense opportunities for personal and professional growth, but it’s essential to find a community to enrich the experience.

Online communities provide vast networking possibilities, while offline interactions create a more personal touch.

Stay actively engaged and nurture your connections. A strong remote work community can make a significant difference in your journey as a remote worker.

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