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The Importance Of Soft Skills In Hiring Freelancers: A Comprehensive Guide

Around 85% of career success comes from having well-developed soft skills. While soft skills are often overlooked when hiring, they’re more important than you realize. But why are soft skills important when hiring freelancers? 

There are so many reasons we couldn’t possibly list them all. However, you should evaluate these skills when interviewing freelancers. 

Keep reading to learn about different soft skills, why they’re so important, and how to assess them in interviews. 

In today’s highly competitive job market, freelancers with strong soft skills have a distinct advantage. While technical expertise may get you in the door, you can effectively collaborate and communicate, which sets you apart from the pack.

Possessing excellent soft skills enables freelancers to build and maintain positive relationships with clients and colleagues. This can lead to repeat business and valuable referrals, giving them a leg up on their competition.

In addition, freelancers who excel in soft skills are often more adaptable and flexible when faced with changing project requirements or unexpected challenges. They possess the ability to think creatively, problem-solve on the spot, and navigate through obstacles seamlessly.


Enthusiasm is a quality that can make all the difference when hiring freelancers. It may not be something you immediately think about when evaluating potential candidates. Still, it plays a crucial role in their ability to deliver high-quality work and maintain long-term relationships with clients.

Bring Energy and Excitement to the Table

When someone is genuinely passionate about what they do, it shows in their work. This positive attitude can inspire others and create a productive and enjoyable working environment. Clients are more likely to be satisfied with the results when they know their freelancer is enthusiastic about the project.

Enthusiasm Drives Motivation

Freelancers who are genuinely excited about their work will go above and beyond to ensure client satisfaction. They are willing to put in extra effort, take on new challenges, and continuously improve their skills. This level of dedication can lead to exceptional outcomes for both parties involved.

Enthusiasm Fosters Creativity

When people approach tasks with genuine excitement, they are more likely to think outside the box and develop innovative solutions. Creativity is essential in many freelance roles where problem-solving and unique approaches are required.

Enthusiasm Breeds Adaptability 

Freelancers who embrace change with an open mind thrive in dynamic environments or industries undergoing rapid transformations. Their passion allows them to stay flexible and learn quickly from feedback or setbacks while maintaining a positive outlook.

Interpersonal Skills

Another benefit of hiring enthusiastic freelancers is that they often have excellent interpersonal skills and strong communication abilities. They naturally build rapport with clients by showing genuine interest in understanding their goals or needs. This helps establish trust, which ultimately leads to successful collaborations.


Professionalism goes beyond having the necessary technical skills or qualifications for a job. Professionalism encompasses a range of behaviors and attitudes that demonstrate a freelancer’s commitment to their work and ability to conduct themselves professionally.

Why is professionalism so important? 

Reflects Positively on Everyone

Professionalism is important because it reflects positively on the freelancer and the client. When freelancers approach their work with professionalism, they show that they take their responsibilities seriously and are dedicated to delivering high-quality results. This can help build trust with clients, who will feel more confident in entrusting important tasks to someone who demonstrates professionalism.


Professionalism also includes aspects such as being punctual and reliable. Freelancers who consistently meet deadlines and deliver work on time showcase reliability. This is crucial for building long-term working relationships with clients.

Handling Tough Conversations

Maintaining a professional attitude helps freelancers handle challenging situations or conflicts effectively. They are likely to remain calm and composed even under pressure while finding constructive ways to resolve any issues that may arise during a project. This level-headedness shows maturity and problem-solving abilities.

Workplace Interactions

Freelancers must communicate respectfully with colleagues or team members if collaboration is required for specific projects. Being courteous fosters positive working relationships where ideas are shared openly without fear of judgment.

Communication Skills

Effective communication is a vital soft skill when hiring freelancers. It ensures that projects run smoothly, expectations are clarified, and goals are achieved.

Freelancers with strong communication skills can articulate their ideas clearly, listen actively to others’ perspectives, and adapt their communication styles to different stakeholders.

Prevent Misunderstandings

Clear and concise communication helps prevent misunderstandings and reduces the likelihood of errors or delays in project delivery. Freelancers who excel in this area can express complex concepts in simple terms that everyone can understand. They use appropriate language and tone for each situation, whether a formal email or a casual chat.

Active Listening

Around 96% of people think they’re good listeners but only retain half of what others say. 

Good communicators actively listen to their clients or team members. They pay attention to words and non-verbal cues such as body language and facial expressions. This enables them to grasp the full meaning behind messages and respond appropriately.

Positive Working Relationships

Freelancers with excellent communication skills foster positive working relationships within teams or between themselves and clients. They build trust by promptly delivering accurate information without overloading recipients with unnecessary details.

Tough Conversations

Strong communicators know how to handle difficult conversations professionally yet empathetically when issues arise during projects. Addressing conflicts openly rather than avoiding them leads to faster resolutions and improves teamwork dynamics.

Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking

Problem-solving and critical thinking skills go hand in hand. They enable individuals to analyze situations, identify challenges, and develop practical solutions.

Tackle Complex Issues

Freelancers who possess strong problem-solving abilities can tackle complex issues head-on. They can think critically about problems from different angles, considering various perspectives before reaching a solution. This type of thinking is crucial in today’s fast-paced business world, where quick decision-making is essential.

Objective Assessment of Information

Critical thinkers can assess information objectively and make informed decisions based on evidence rather than personal biases. This helps ensure that the solutions proposed by freelancers are well-thought-out and backed by facts or logical reasoning.

Innovative Solutions

Problem-solving skills allow freelancers to adapt to changing circumstances and find innovative solutions when faced with obstacles. The ability to think creatively enables them to approach problems from unconventional angles and explore new possibilities.


Problem-solving skills also contribute towards efficiency in completing tasks or projects. Freelancers who can quickly identify potential roadblocks or bottlenecks can proactively address them before they become major issues. This not only saves time but also ensures that projects stay on track.

Risk Evaluation

Another important aspect of critical thinking is evaluating risks associated with different options or courses of action. Freelancers who possess this skill can weigh pros and cons effectively before making decisions, minimizing potential negative consequences for themselves or their clients.

Independent Thinking

Problem-solving skills foster independent thinking among freelancers. They learn how to take ownership of their work by finding creative ways around challenges without relying too heavily on others for guidance or direction.

How to Assess for Soft Skills in Interviews

Assessing soft skills during interviews is crucial for finding the right freelancer to work with. While technical expertise may be important, soft skills can make or break a working relationship. Here are some tips on how to effectively assess soft skills in interviews.

Pay Attention to Communication Skills

Effective communication is essential for freelancers who often work remotely and must keep clients updated on progress. Look for candidates who clearly articulate their thoughts and listen actively to others.

Assess Time Management Skills

Ask candidates about how they prioritize tasks and meet deadlines. Look for individuals who can demonstrate their ability to manage time efficiently and stay organized.

Ask About Past Experiences

Adaptability is vital in the freelance world, where projects can vary greatly from one client to another. Assess candidates’ ability to quickly adapt to new situations by asking them about past experiences where they had to pivot or adjust their approach.

Evaluate Problem-Solving Skills

Inquire about specific challenges the candidate has faced in previous projects and ask them how they approached those problems creatively. Look for candidates who can think critically, analyze situations, and come up with innovative solutions.

Ask About Teamwork

Collaboration is an important skill, as most freelancers will have some level of interaction with clients or team members during a project. Gauge a candidate’s ability to work well with others by asking questions about teamwork experiences and conflict resolution strategies.


A positive attitude goes a long way in building strong client relationships and maintaining motivation throughout projects. Observe the candidate’s demeanor during the interview process – do they appear enthusiastic, optimistic, and open-minded? These traits indicate someone who will bring positivity into your working partnership.

Put The Freelancer in the Scenario

To truly assess soft skills during interviews, consider incorporating practical exercises or role-plays that simulate real-life scenarios freelancers may encounter while working on your projects. This hands-on approach allows you to see firsthand how candidates respond under pressure or collaborate with others.

Hire Pre-Vetted Freelancers With FreeUp

Why are soft skills important when hiring freelancers? Soft skills help determine success in many ways. 

Are you looking for freelancers with stellar soft and hard skills? At FreeUp, we pre-vet our freelancers for skills, attitude, and communication. Schedule a consultation with one of our account managers today.

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